Fortnite vs. CS GO

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Fortnite and CS GO are both video games where you can playwith friends. In both games, you can compete with one another. Everyone wantsto know which one is better.   

Fortnite is an online video game. You can find it on Epic inthree different game mode versions, gameplay and engine. Fortnite was firstreleased in 2017.   

The good part of playing this video game is that it is notjust fun but Goofy. Fortnite has its sandbox mode where users can create theirmaps and their game modes. It comes with its engineering mode.   

The bad part of Fortnite is it can get violent fast.Cyberbullying can cause harm to your child, sometimes people feel that it canover sexually the outfits, the game is for teens and up. Some people who diedwhile playing this game from a hurt attack are just hurting each other becausethey get so passionate.    

CS GO is a team-based game that was first released on August21, 2012. It is a shooter game where you can compete in multiple rounds. Youcan find it on windows,macOS, Xbox,360, and PlayStation 3.   

The good part about CSGO is it has a lot of actions, is morecompetitive, and has good skills. You get to be the key member of the team. CSGO helps you with your reflexes and your hand and eye coordination.   

The bad part of CS GO is that some people feel that the gamecould be frustrating because the movement can feel sluggish at some times, andthey can't feel the character. Which one do you think is better? View more information at